The Double Dragon Ritual first appeared in RJ Stewart’s Advanced Magical Arts, one of the foundational books for the Inner Temple Traditions Inner Convocation work. Initially worked as a private ceremony in Britain with a small group that included RJ, Gareth Knight, John and Caitlin Matthews, Marian Green, and other Western Tradition occultists, it has been revised and updated for more widespread use, including some developments for larger group use.

The Double Dragon Ritual is intended for times of potential crisis; it is a time to bring the harmonizing stellar/solar spiritual forces of Balance and Regeneration into the ceremonial group. Such forces are then mediated outward to the community and the land.

Over two days we will explore the inner content of the ritual, meditate on its spirit inner contacts in the Over and Under Worlds, envisioning the powerful telesms that it contains. On day two our group will work the ritual itself in the early afternoon, and spend time assimilating our experiences afterward. Following the weekend, group members will network with others who have done the ritual, to stay attuned to its spiritual and sacromagical forces.


In the Faery Oath sacromagical series, we work with Oak, Ash and Thorn, the Go-Betweens, and the permeating presence of Puck. In Parts I and II we focus on building alliances and enhancing cooperative participation with the “oldest old things.” Part III centers upon two culminating group rituals. In the first ritual, each participant declares what they have determined to be their individual Faery Oath. In the second ritual, we  “take seizin” of the land where we live and in so doing strengthen our ability to realize our individual oaths. Persons completing all three parts in the series will be eligible to participate in an ongoing international community connection and shared meditative work as our circle of Faery Oath seedlings take root and grow.


Fairytales…Ballads…Folkloric Traditions that underpin and dwell within the root foundations of the Old Faery Tradition and, indeed, of magic worldwide. This course explores ancestral and esoteric aspects of Faery Tradition hidden deep within a vast and often ignored corpus of stories and songs. We will begin with lesser known tales and ballads working our way to great initiatory ballads, Tam Lin and Thomas Rhymer. This is not an intellectual course, where we study folkloric tradition from the comfort of our firesides and armchairs, this is a hearts-in and hands-on course engaging all participants in the operative magic of folklore…story listening…singing…sensing…receiving!

This course deepens our exploration of ancestral and esoteric aspects of folkloric tradition, centering upon one Arthurian romance written in alliterative verse, “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,” and two well known initiatory ballads, “Tam Lin” and “Thomas Rhymer.”

Like the “F.M.” Foundations course just completed, this is not an intellectual course. In “F.M. Deeper In” we will dive in with hearts-in and hands-on engaging all participants in the operative magic of folklore. 

We will work, practically, with the magical precepts of three essential and enduring aspects of the Western Mysteries:“The Green Knight”and magical ballads “Tam Lin” and “Thomas Rhymer,” in Four Online Class Meetings 


This three part course offers all the foundational methods for working with the Inner Temples and Inner Convocation, as taught previously by R J Stewart and Anastacia Nutt, and featured in their books. Part I focuses upon the foundations of all aspects of this sacromagical method: Stillness, entering each Inner Temple, Timeless Inner Convocation and Inner Library of the Initiates. The Part II Course focuses upon effectively working within the Realms of Moon, Sun and Stars. Distinguishing Innerworld locations as places and conditions of consciousness, enhanced archangelic methods and attunement and the spatial consecration prayer. The Part III course focuses upon enriching Inner Contact, the ITIC Sleep Practice, The Sanctuary Before the Void and The Fifth Nameless Goddess. We also cover the basics of a spiritual life centered upon the Inner Temples.


In this course we focus on skills and tools that increase our awareness of and participation in Cosmos.  The course includes meditations to enhance the temples of body and home, enfolding the Elemental Chanting in two unique sacromagical ritual forms.  The methods conveyed in this course have their origins in the ancient past; namely the secret of the Theatre of Memory widely practiced in Renaissance metaphysics. Learn how these techniques may be applied today in a manner suitable for contemporary Inner Temple Traditions Inner Convocation work. Woven through four Inner Temples of Life, Light, Love and Law at the foundation Creation, this workshop substantially strengthens our relationship to Cosmos.


Published in 1987, RJ’s Living Magical Arts has become a foundational sacromagical text for modern Western magicians.  Today when our time and attention are in constant demand, many are struggling to separate essential magical tasks from non-essential trivia.  Living Magical Arts begins by exploring the sacred imagination, its true power and modern day impact upon it.  From here we learn how to improve the clarity and effect of our sacromagical endeavors by focusing on a new definition of magic and the Five Fundamental Arts that bring magic to life within us and within Cosmos.  These techniques are then applied to the Four Inner Temples, Tarot Trumps and the Hermetic Tree of Life that enable our Soul’s Promise in accordance with our individual potential within the greater field of human evolution.


 All folkloric magic was founded upon the absolute life-necessity of the real and enduring partnerships between humanity and the spirits of place. Today when so much environmental and social change looms large, we can help ourselves by re-membering these life-necessity partnerships forged by our Ancestors.The Magic of The Three Sticks is based upon traditional folkloric magic that is part of our collective ancestral heritage, reweaving the equal partnership of The Threefold Alliance (human, faery, living creature). All three partners (human, faery, living creature) occupy and are tied to the physical and metaphysical aspects of the land. Through this spiritual and magical practice, we help to reunite manifest creation and the spiritual power that informs and infuses it. 


The Part I course orients us to each Mother of Change and the interrelationships of their polar partnerships. Upon this foundation we engage in our own personal change journey ushered by this particular sacromagical collective. The Part II course focus is applied magic, advancing the work including review and re-attunement to The Mothers of Change, with enhanced information, working with The Mothers of Change as a collective: Why, When & How?  We also learn the basics of spiritual mediation generally and for the Mother of Change specifically.


Purifying the Imagination and Navigating the Pause Between Lives. Based in part upon The Mysteries of Dying and Death book published in 2018 & RJ’s book The Arch of Heaven, published in 2013. In this workshop we explore the perennial Western Esoteric Tradition practices regarding dying, what may occur after death, and potential rebirth. This is an open workshop, but not suitable for beginners without some experience in meditation and visualization.  The weekend includes sessions as follows: What do the esoteric traditions teach us about death, and what may or may not happen after death? How should we prepare ourselves for death and for our experiences beyond physical death?  How may we relate to the so-called “dead” in a wholesome and compassionate manner appropriate for the new era of the 21st century?


The Old Faery Tradition course sets a life-long pattern of engagement in cooperative magic with the faery races and world of living creatures where we live.  We draw upon traditional “old” folkloric methods, known to our ancestor of blood and spirit, firmly founded in today’s world and in the physical landscape of our homes. This course is hands-on, involving several handcrafted magical and communicative tools that we build for ourselves in communion with our Threefold Alliance. The Part I course focuses upon the basics of faery magic and building our tools. Half of this course is teachings and the other half applied magic.  The Part II course focuses upon elements of traditional magic (magical ballads, the Mystery of the Double Rose, folklore resources) incorporated into a working life practice where we live.  Half of this course is teaching and half is applied magic.  The Part III course is all applied magic focused upon the Magic of Three Sticks and communion with the Seven Planetary Zones.


In the Faery Healing Tradition, cords were used to weave special patterns of unity and wellness. In Western sacromagical arts it is said that “the cord connects and binds all things!” The well-consecrated cord stores energies and teachings inside its fibers, helping us remember our meditations and inner contacts. It is an immensely valuable personal spiritual resource that develops and grows as we do.

All participants will take part in this long-standing tradition of The Faery & Spirit Cord. Traditional cord teachings and methods will be conveyed. Meditations and rituals that empower and consecrate our individual cords will be performed.


From RJ’s book series 2008-2016:  The Sphere of Art, The Sphere of Art II: The Purifying Fire & The Sphere of Art III: The Inner Temple Traditions and the Inner Convocation. This three part sacromagical series brings together many aspects of RJ’s previous books and classes into a synthesis of Western Qabalah, Traditional Magical Arts, Faery and UnderWorld Tradition, the Four Inner Temples/Inner Convocation.  The aim of the series to increasing our understanding of humanity’s unique place in Cosmos and our inter-relationship with its Creative and Destructive processes.  The workshops include techniques that increase each participant’s inner potential as a universal Priest or Priestess, not limited to cultural or religious traditions.  We will focus upon the true human potential on planet Earth that we must all come to mediate and share, not only with one another, but with our world, and ultimately Cosmos.


Drawing on R.J’s forthcoming faery ritual magic book, The Further Path, this workshop takes us into new territory for new times. Here are some excerpts from the book, indicating what we will be exploring together in the workshop: “We are experiencing inevitable and irredeemable change in human society worldwide. In times of great change, our environmental magic will also change. Faery tradition is an ancient spiritual and sacromagical stream; it has always been concerned with the interaction between humanity and the spiritual forces of the land and sea, leading to a deeper interaction with planetary forces, especially the Earth Light in planetary core.

The Further Path asks us to Think Big, Act Small  We will explore the wisdom tale of the Magical Wall with the Gates of Sunrise to Midnight. We will experience how to network small scale magic into large scale transformation. We will come into contact with a real-time active network of Faery Allies and powerful Co-Walkers. So if this is the kind of faery ritual magic that interests you, come and join us for this workshop, which will lead you to The Further Path.


In 1983, RJ’s book The UnderWorld Initiation (originally circulated to friends and students in 1978 as a private manuscript) opened new ways of working, taking ancient traditions and reinstating them for modern people. The book soon became a classic and with its companion recording, Journey to the UnderWorld, has been used successfully by thousands of people worldwide.

The workshop includes: Entering and Leaving the UnderWorld, The Dark Goddess and the Earthlight, Faery Allies and Co-walkers, Speaking with Ancestors, Seven Sleepers and a special feature on ballad magic.  Open to all, beginners and experienced alike.

RJ Stewart
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