An Inner Temple Traditions Inner Convocation ®
Technique by R J Stewart
Meditation: Spiritual Form (1) Stillness
For the complete set of visionary meditations of the Inner Temples Inner Convocation Library and Sanctuary before the Void and more , see also The Sphere of Art, vol1, available from or any competent bookstore. There is an audio CD with original music of all the ITIC meditations, available from .
This Spiritual Form has been published in several versions in many of my books between 1987 and the present year, as it is the essential prerequisite to any successful meditation, visualisation, or magical work, be it solo or in a group context. (Versions of this Form can be found in Living Magical Arts (1987), Advanced Magical Arts (1988), Music and the Elemental Psyche (1987), Music Power Harmony (1988), Dreampower Tarot (1993), The Miracle Tree (2003), and other books in various editions and translations worldwide). This basic Form has been taught at my workshops and classes from 1989 to the present day, and all students and group members use it to begin their meditations and inner work.
There are “hidden” aspects to this Form which are taught to our advanced students, and to the teachers that I have trained with my partner Anastacia Nutt. These will not be published, but can be learned and experienced in the advanced workshops and classes.
Recommendation: You can practice this as itself, and this is the best way to develop your skill at Entering Stillness. You should also use this before and after each and any spiritual/magical work that you undertake.
NOTE: Due to the exigencies of the modern world, this text is copyright R J Stewart © 1988, 2016. You may use it freely, but it may not be sold or published or distributed in any way: internet copying is prohibited by copyright law, but you may make a link to this site freely.
1 Breathing steadily align yourself to the Directions: Above, Below, Within. Then: East, South, West, North. Then: Before you, Behind you, to your Right, to your Left…and the centre within.
2 Still your sense of Time, of Space, and of Movement. Breath steadily, letting go of Time, Space, and Movement.
3 Reach into the Stillness Within, beyond all time, space, and movement.
4 Chant the vowel sound OAI three times, elongating the vowels on one steady tone. (the “O” stills Time. The “A” draws in Space to the centre. The “I” stills all movement)
5 Be Still. Reach into the Void of Un-being, out of which all Being comes.
6 Affirm again the Directions (as in 1)
7 Close your meditation and return to the outer world. Or: Proceed with your intended spiritual/magical/meditational working, bringing it to life out of the Stillness.
An Inner Temple Traditions Inner Convocation ®
Technique by R J Stewart
Meditation: Spiritual Form (2) Inner Convocation
For the complete set of visionary meditations of the Inner Temples Inner Convocation Library and Sanctuary before the Void and more , see also The Sphere of Art, vol1, available from or any competent bookstore. There is an audio CD with original music of all the ITIC meditations, available from .
This Form is a refinement and update of the basic method of moving into the Timeless Inner Convocation and Inner Temples. The basics were first published in Living Magical Arts (1987) and Advanced Magical Arts (1988). Variations are found in my later books, such as The Miracle Tree: Demystifying Qabalah (2003).
I have been teaching this Form, and the related Inner Temple Traditions InnerConvocation series, since 1989 in both Britain and the USA. Many groups use an earlier version of these visionary meditations or Forms. The technique itself is ancient, as it describes a real place and condition of consciousness, and has its parallels in many traditions worldwide. In keeping with the aim of the two original books, this is a modern version, developed from experience and from inner contacts to be rapidly effective. Five to ten minutes of this Form each day will make profound changes to your awareness.
Due to the exigencies of the modern world, this text is copyright R J Stewart © 1988-2016. You may use it freely, but it may not be sold or published or distributed in any way: internet copying is prohibited by copyright law, but you may make a link to this site freely.
1 Be still, stilling your sense of time, space, and movement. (light a candle)
2 Let your awareness rest upon the candle flame, and know that this terrestrial fire of earth and moon is at one with the celestial fire of sun and stars. Feel your own flame of being within, resonate with the candle flame. The flame expands and grows and becomes a pillar of light, extending to the heights above and to the depths below.
3 With this awareness, pass through into the Timeless Convocation, a perpetual communion of many beings at the threshold of the void, where the flame of being becomes a pillar of light extending through the universe. Be still here, and rest in communion with the spiritual presence of this timeless place, known through the ages to all that seek spiritual communion and enlightenment.
4 Now be aware again of the room or place around you, above, below, and within. Know that this too, is the Pillar of Light and the Timeless Convocation. Let your sense of the regenerative power of the convocation flow out to the outer world.
5 Now return to your outer awareness, and go in peace. (gently blow the flame “forward” to your next meditation)
An Inner Temple Traditions Inner Convocation ®
Technique by R J Stewart
Meditation: Spiritual Form (3)Working with The Four Temples
Form (3) of our Inner Temple Traditions InnerConvocation series was created and written by R J Stewart in Britain in the 1980’s, and has been taught to many groups in Britain and the USA from the late 1980’s to the present year, ongoing.
For the complete set of visionary meditations of the Inner Temples Inner Convocation Library and Sanctuary before the Void and more , see The Sphere of Art, vol1, available from or any competent bookstore. There is an audio CD with original music of all the ITIC meditations, available from .
Usage and permissions: you may use this Spiritual Form for private use only, and you may not copy publish or distribute the text or any part of it.
Working with The Four Temples
You can use this Spiritual Form in 5 separate parts for short meditations/visions (east, south, west, north, center) or use the entire form from beginning to end, which is the recommended method. Before working with this spiritual Form (3), either in parts or entire, use Form (1) as above, for entering Silence. Figure Left: The Inner Temples Map & Theatre of Memory as taught from 1988 to present.
In the East, the Temple of Instruction and Inspiration
In the South, the Temple of Initiation and Illumination
In the West, the Temple of the Donation and Reception
In the North, the Temple of Destruction and Regeneration
From the East, the Temple of Instruction and Inspiration mediates the spiritual powers of Life and the elemental energy of Air
From the South, the Temple of Initiation and Illumination mediates the spiritual powers of Light and the elemental energy of Fire
From the West, the Temple of the Ebbing and Flowing Tides mediates the spiritual powers of Love, and the elemental energy of Water
From the North, the Temple of Destruction and Regeneration mediates the spiritual powers of Law, and the elemental energy of Earth.
Each Temple has three zones, three courts, three deepening states of Being
The outer court of the East offers Instruction in skills, arts, sciences of magic, of invention, of healing techniques, of music, of words, of mathematics and sacred geometry. All the skills that make civilisation are mediated in this outer court of the East, and all the methods of sacro-magical arts are taught here. Its mysterious life power streams through the air that flows in and out of our lungs, and can be expressed through honourable speech and inspiring words. Many temples and religions of the outer world have been seeded from this Inner Temple through the ages. (pause here for silent meditation)
The middle court of the East contains the deities of human culture: those gods and goddesses of the ancestral traditions that teach and mentor humanity, that bring honour, discipline, clarity of awareness, and foster communication. All messenger deities are here, all gods and goddesses of Honour and the spiritual martial arts, powers of justice, powers of healing. They take many forms and have many names, but they all embody the powers of Instruction and Inspiration that move out into manifestation. Here in this middle court, work with them in your chosen form. (pause here for silent communion or ritual pattern)
The inner court of the East is the place of Living Spirit. Where the First Breath of Being whispers out of the Void, and utters the First Word of Cosmos. Be still, and feel that Breath of Being within you, merge with the Living Spirit in the sanctuary of the Temple of Life. (pause here for contemplation and communion)
The outer court of the South offers Initiation into energetic and spiritual growth, transformation, and subtle forces of the Inner Fire. It creates the energy that flows through the skills, arts, and disciplines formed by the Temple of the East, and its subtle fire radiates through our blood. Its mysterious initiatory power brings changes in our lives, and in the life of humanity, and in the life of our planet Earth. Its current of energy radiates through all forms, galvanising them into movement. In ancient times this was our ancestral Fire Temple, source of the priest and priestesshood of Light and Fire in the human world. Today there are few temples and religions in the outer world that manifest this power. (pause here for silent meditation)
The middle court of the South contains the deities of fire and light, which take many forms and have many names through the ages. All solar and light bearing gods and goddesses are here, all deities of balance and harmony, embodying the energies of Initiation and Illumination that radiate to the outer world. Here in this middle court, work with them in your chosen form. (pause here for silent communion or ritual pattern)
The inner court of the South is the place of Limitless Light. Where the Light of Being flows out of the primal Darkness of the Void, and Illuminates Creation. Be still, and feel the Light within you merge with the Light of the sanctuary of the Inner Temple of Light. (pause here for contemplation and communion)
The outer court of the West offers the flowing tides of Giving and Receiving. It provides the ebb and flow of compassionate communion through all living beings. Its tides wash us clean, and nourish us anew. All life on Earth begins in the ocean and the Sea Temple communes its power to us through the water in our bodies and the purified emotions of our souls. (pause here for silent meditation)
The middle court of the West contains the gods and goddesses of love compassion and empathy that have taken many forms in our world through the ages. They embody and mediate the forces of ocean: ocean of water, ocean of stars, and they Give and Receive our most pure love flowing in and out of all that lives. Here in this middle court, work with them in your chosen form. (pause here for silent communion or ritual pattern)
The inner court of the West is the place of Perfect Love, where the sacred vessel pours forth the limitless Love of Being that flows out of, and into, the Void. Here is where vast waters of Cosmos pour forth into infinite worlds, and here is the place to which they return. Perfect Love at Peace is the power of this sanctuary, which is found in the place where all tides become Still. Feel your innermost love of all being, merge with the Perfect Being of Love in the sanctuary of this Inner Temple of Love. (pause here for contemplation and communion)
The outer court of the North offers the mysteries of coming into Form and of going into Formlessness. This is the place of destruction and regeneration, where old patterns are broken down, that they may make the ground for new seeds to grow within us. It provides the subtle forces that reduce and liberate, for the laws of life are also laws of liberation. Here are the mysteries of deepest night and death discovered, through understanding manifestation and return to spirit. Here the sacred mysteries of Earth are revealed. (pause here for silent meditation)
The middle court of the North contains the deities that destroy and purify, the dark powers that draw all unto themselves, in order that all may be reborn. They embody the ultimate transformations that are available to all forms, all life, and all entities. Here are all gods and goddesses of night, of the UnderWorld, of death, of the hidden Crossroads between the worlds. They bring you strength through your bones, through the bones of planet Earth. Here in this middle court, work with them in your chosen form. (pause here for silent communion or ritual pattern)
The inner court of the North holds the mystery of Grace, and the wisdom of Spirit utterly present in Substance. Here is where the sacred Stone is buried deep in the UnderWorld, at the very threshold of the Void. Commune now with this power in your bones, in the sanctuary of this Inner Temple of cosmic Law. (pause here for contemplation and communion)
In the Centre is the Flame of Being, appearing as a Pillar of Light that extends to the height above and descends to the depth below. And at its Centre is that beautifying redeeming transformation power that is at the heart of all things yet is bound by none.
Life Light Love and Law come together in the Pillar of Light, merging and emerging out of the Truth of Being, the Centre of Cosmos.
Be Still, and be At One with the central Flame of Being, the Pillar of Light. (pause here for contemplation and communion)
Returning to the Outer World
Be aware that you are in the Inner Convocation. Know that you may return here in your dreams visions and meditations. Now be aware of the outer temple, of the sky above and the land below. And be aware of the directions before you, behind you, to your right, to your left, above, below, and within. Know that the Inner Temples and the outer world come together as One, through your body. Look for a few moments at the candle flame burning upon the altar: it is the terrestrial fire that embodies the celestial fire. (gently put the candle out, blowing the flame Forward to your next meditation, or leave it to burn safely on your altar)
Now depart in Peace.
© R J Stewart 1989-2016. This text is registered copyright worldwide. You may use it freely for private use only. No commercial use of any kind may be made without written permission from the author.