Inner Temple Traditions/Inner Convocation

A Sacromagical Pathway of the Western Esoteric Tradition…

Rooted in the Western Mysteries…Present in our Times.

Inner Temples/Inner Convocation®

The Inner Temple Traditions/Inner Convocation (ITIC) ® practices comprise a body of specific teachings, meditations and ritual patterns that enhance our spiritual perception of and practical participation with the inner mysteries of the Western Esoteric Tradition.  Through these practices we learn to attune to, commune with and eventually mediate the spiritually transformative and magical powers inherent within the whole of Creation, from the regenerative depths of the UnderWorld, into the world of Nature and the heavenly Cosmos beyond. Drawing upon a long-standing continuum of Western Esoteric sacromagical work, these practices and texts that we work with have been developed and written by RJ Stewart from 1980 to the present.

This website provides our current listing of current Meditations, Classes, Groups and Workshops designed and taught by R.J. Stewart and Anastacia J. Nutt *

Sliding Scale $10-$39 per person

Choose your amount

Our Winter Course now in its 8th year…

Endarkenment is both a time of year and a sacromagical Mystery. The time of year encompasses the months from Final Harvest to Early Spring, late October to early February.  The Mystery ushers us into the depths of the living Earth where the regenerative cycles of the natural world originate; and then onward into this cycle’s counterpart within the spirit worlds. 

Simply put, the Season of Endarkenment course returns us, to a manner of living and being in Winter, when long nights and dimmed skies bring all life comes back to its core. It is a way, known well to the living creatures all around us, to human body, and to our ancestors.  

The Endarkenment course is deeply personal and supportive of each participant’s innate connection to and knowing of this essential season of rest, reflection, remembrance and rejuvenation. As light gives way to darkness and warmth to cold, we may follow the season’s inward turning, into the land’s and our own hidden depths. 

As in years past, the course will be offered twice, every two weeks: Sundays from 11am-1pm Eastern Time USA and Wednesday evenings from 7pm-9pm Eastern Time USA. All attendees are welcome to attend either Sunday, Wednesday or both, as they choose. Cost: sliding scale $380-300.

11am-1pm on Sundays: Nov 3, 17 * Dec 1,15 * Jan 5, 19 * Feb 2

7pm – 9pm on Wednesdays: Nov 6, 20 * Dec 4, 18 * Jan 8,22 * Feb 5

Each of our seven classes includes beautiful color visuals, written materials and audio meditations, all designed to enhance our engagement with the season and all it encompasses.

Click Here to Request Course PDF for 2024-25

Our R.J. Stewart Bookstore Special for October 2024

These New Titles are not yet listed on our Bookstore Website. To purchase, click the link above and enter your title(s) in the subject line of your email. We will send you a PayPal link to swiftly complete your purchase.


Live Meditation for October 22 & 26

Offered Online Tues. 3pm & Sat. 9pm US Eastern Time

Led by Anastacia

Sacred Activism & The Active Temples

This week our Support Meditation centers upon the mediating spiritual power, unconditionally, as an inner resource for outer situations of need.

The first step is immersion within Stillness and the embodiment of Equanimity. The second stage gradually attunes us to the important sacromagical locations of the Western Tradition. In the third stage we become fully attuned to the spiritual powers that reside within and flow from these specific inner locations. 

Together these three stages rotate like a wheel, ever returning to the beginning. Through its motion we may enter a mode of Being that extends beyond our limits and confinement in the consensual human world. Here is where our work as Sacred Activists begins.

If you are new to our twice weekly meditations, link information is offered below.

Join us for a live meditation offered Tuesday afternoons (3pm Eastern Time) and Saturday evenings (9pm Eastern Time). Anyone may join, no charge. Simply requesting the link by clicking the link below. Meditations last 20-25 minutes, vary in theme and are led by RJ, Anastacia and assistant teachers.

CLICK here to receive: Weekly Support Meditation Details and Access



A simple, restorative meditation (written and performed by Anastacia Nutt) set in Nature for release, renewed strength and peace, as we continually care for whatever we hold sacred, during hard times. Available anytime on YouTube.

Our Other Websites & Resources

RJ Stewart Books Celebrating over 30 years of publishing with over 40 titles on Celtic Mythology, UnderWorld & Faery Tradition, Qabalah, Tarot, Music and Elemental Magic. RJ Stewart Books offers quality resources to inspire and guide you in your exploration of the magical and metaphysical traditions of the West.

Inner Temple Traditions Inner Convocation® Network with substantial online resources, free texts and comprehensive information.  

Dreampower Tarot RJ Stewart’s original website from the early 1990s, with free reading engine that will generate readings with the unique Dreampower Tarot, designed by RJ.


* Anastacia J. Nutt operating as Tending The Sacred, LLC

RJ Stewart
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