Monthly Salon Dates for 2024:

March 31, April 21, May 19, June 23,

July 21, August 18, September 22,

October 20, November 10, December 15

Salon Meetings are 1pm-3pm US Eastern Time via GoToMeeting Conferencing

All Salons cost $39.00 to join. MO of the ITIC Members $25.

A Full Annual discounted subscription is also available for $325.00

Confirmed Salon Presenters for 2024

March 31 Sally & Anastacia Befriending the Heavens 2024

April 21 Robert Stewart Looking Beneath the Map (new book)

May 19 Rebsie Fairholm – Magical Symbolism in Trad Music

June 23 Cait Branigan – Suibhne Gelt

July 21 Arthur Versluis – Gathering Light – alchemy 

Price for Salon: $39.00 via PayPal to  No refunds on any Salon(s) pre-payment.

Price for Salon Series: $325.00 via PayPal to  No refunds on any Salon(s) pre-payment.

To Register: Email Anastacia directly 

Registration Deadline is the Friday before the Sunday Salon. All GoToMeeting links are emailed to subscribers by 5pm the Saturday before each Sunday Salon to registered and prepaid attendees.

Salon of the Western Mysteries logo by JDL Designs

RJ Stewart
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